*Full Subscription For Home Care, Starting at Just $149.99*
Once a month, one of our professional technicians will visit your home with a to-do list:
Kitchen and Bathroom:
- Tub/Shower caulking
- Vanity/Cabinet countertop caulking
- Toilets
- Shower base grout
- Sink drains
- Pro-vents
- Bathroom exhaust fan
- Kitchen exhaust fan
Entire Home:
- Light bulbs
- HVAC “return” filters
- Smoke/CO detector batteries
- Empty dehumidifier
- Replace storm door screen/glass
- Service boilder/furnace
- Turn off/on exterior water supplies
- Turn on/Weather irrigation
- Clean gutters
Seasonal (Optional Addition):
- Service boiler/furnace
- Turn off/on exterior water supplies
- Turn on/Weather irrigation
- Clean gutters
Added Benefits:
All full subscribers receive an additional 10% discount on any home renovations when having Proficient TEchnicians perform the work.
***$150 initial inspection. If customer decides to subscribe, “initial fee” will be applied toward repairs/first month of subscription.***
*Subscription For Wholesale, Starting at $49.99 Per Month*
For over ten years we’ve built relationships and negotiated the best discounted prices with many qualified contractors. Therefore, we are able to pass along the savings to you for all your repair/service and restoration needs. We are able to provide key services FOR YOU such as:
- Painting
- Drywall
- Tile Installation
- Granite and Marble Restoration
- Interior finish work
- Irrigation
- Window/Door Installation
- Septic services
- Gutter cleaning
- Handyman services
- And more
Also Specialist Services such as:
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Roofing
We off ther same “Wholesale/Contractor” savings to all of our Subscribers who SEARCH within the Proficient Technicians family of contractors. The savings you’d receive would be unmatched, and would pay for your subscription over and over again, with NO added fees.
**All subscribers are bound to three-month minimum agreement. There are no cancellation fees.***